I hope you enjoyed these lessons in soul-development and the enlightment therein. Please share these pages with all your friends and whoever else is thirsting for spiritual enlightment.
May you help this network bring a greater understanding into many hearts so we can all enjoy this world as it was meant for us to enjoy. May God bless you and help you in your own development. It's a never-ending process that is quite difficult to gain huge strides in, because of the level the majority of people are at. There will be set-backs, distractions, and the like, it's only natural.
Please come back to view these pages for re-inforcement. You can access them separately from the Main Menu of this Web Site which is coming up shortly (just two pages away).
One final instruction:
Never be afraid to love someone from the heart ...be they male or female. Not to be confused with lust, Spiritual Love is ageless, genderless, and timeless and can be manifested into the physical realm unto anyone or everyone. Whenever you love someone as such, with all your heart and soul, it is never, ever, wrong....... because:
God Is Love!
And so are we.