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Jesus said, "In my Father's house are many mansions." (John 14:2) These "mansions" of God are afterlife levels of consciousness. Where is consciousness? Within the bodies we now occupy, wherever we are.
Through meditation, we may become aware of these afterlife realms of consciousness as in dreams. Therefore, whether we are on this
Earth, or in another
afterlife realm, the "house of the Lord" is the shell which we occupy. For while God wills that no soul shall perish,
he will not force humankind to seek him. When the inner spiritual force is raised to the "third eye" (the pituitary gland) the individual becomes a magnet. After raising your consciousness, God meets you in your own temple, in the holy of holies; in the "third eye" - not above. The inner spiritual force disseminates through this inner eye. Only in patience can you become aware of your soul's activity. The flow of the eternal is through - and to - those portions of the body which suggestions are directed. As the body attunes itself, it may be a channel where there may be instant healing with the laying on of hands. The cells of the body can become attuned to the music of the realms of light, space and time. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord (out of the body). Meditation can produce such experiences. During meditation, the cells of the mind become aware of the life in the spirit. Through meditation you can know your past lives and become like a sage, a lama, or a Master. Attunement improves the connective ratios between the "Borderland" and the afterlife for a person. Voices can be heard when attuning yourself during meditation. Many people meet their "spirit guide" during their first experience of meditation. Do not be satisfied with a guide other than one from the Throne of Grace itself. During meditation you can see and hear from those that you are attuned with. Sometimes they will be at different places and different persons - seek the spiritual. Spiritual guidance comes by means of constant communion with God. When you are guided by a stabilized ideal, the two can become one (the outer personality with the inner personality). Visualizing while attuned in meditation, can influence others. There must be a conscious contact with that which is a part of your body-physical, your body-mental, to your soul-body or your superconscious mind. The seven spiritual centers (the chakras) are connections that must be opened between the physical and spiritual bodies. These spiritual centers are hindrances to the flow of your inner spiritual force until they are opened. Your inner spiritual force stays down in its "seat", until it is raised by meditation. The inner spiritual force rises from the glands known in the body as the Lyden gland and through the reproductive forces themselves, which are the very essence of life itself within. During meditation, the inner spiritual force rises alone to the pineal center, to the base of the brain, that it may be disseminated to those centers that give activity for the whole of the mental and physical being. It rises then to the hidden eye in the center of the brain system, or is felt in the forefront of the head (between eyes and above nose). The Creator being raised within during meditation, has full expression in those radial senses from which all the physical organs, the mental organs, receive their stimuli for activity. Without proper purification, physical or mental disorders can result from raising our creative forces prematurely. For some people, the song of the spheres is necessary for their comfort in meditation. For others, the beauties in the sunset, in the water, are all acknowledging the power of the Christ in the activative forces of nature, life, material, itself. This kind of breathing (as used in yoga) opens the seven centers of the body that radiate upon the body. The roaring sound in the right ear is the voice of God coming as the rushing of mighty waters. In deep meditation there descends the influences to open the channels along those vistas - to the inmost recesses of the Creative Forces - that find expression either through the movements of the body, and the hearing of sound, in the consciousness of odors, in the activity of vision, or there is the presence that may be read as the open book. The premature raising of your inner spiritual force can cause headaches and dullness, the accumulations of poisons, the lack of circulation, coordination, or depression. Seek a teacher in meditation and learn from them. Set definite periods to listen to the voice of your Maker. Meditate either at 11:00 am to noon in the day or 11:00 pm to midnight in the evening. The best time is 2:00 am to 3:00 am in the morning. (For at least 30 minutes). Self-preparation is necessary for proper meditation. Find what is the impelling desire in your inner self - council with your soul. Find what your ideal is and write it down. Quiet yourself mentally. Read the book of John, chapters 14-17, to learn about the spirit of light within you. None may come to know attunement whom have not developed the "inner self". The promises of Jesus given in the book of John can help you unlock your inner self. Study the mystical forces or enter into silence in order to bring these forces into life. Make your will to be one with the whole. Keep your body chemistry well-balanced between negative and positive forces. Cleanse the body with pure water before meditation. Purge the body with oils. Cleanse the inner room of your mind. No unkind thoughts are allowed. During meditation, you can increase the spiritual forces taking place within your inner self. By keeping away from certain foods, or from certain associations, or from carnal thoughts, you better meditate. Incense can attune the finite to the Infinite. Certain incantations, such as the drone of certain sounds, like the tolling of certain tones, bells, cymbals, drums, or various kinds of skin as described in the Bible, can aid in meditation. Sit or lie in an easy position, without any binding garments around your body. Sit as in readiness. Crucify desires within yourself. Turn yourself inward. Never open yourself without surrounding yourself with the spirit of the Christ. Surround yourself with the light of the Christ consciousness - by thought, by word of mouth, by impressing it upon yourself - also for protection. Manifest the fruits of the Holy Spirit. Meditate with the white light of the Christ. Meditate on the fruits of the Spirit in the inner secrets of the consciousness and the cells in the body will become aware of the awakening of the life in their activity. The hands should always cross the solar plexus, the balancing between the forces of the body, when meditating or seeking to open yourself to the unseen sources. In the manner of crossing the hands over the solar plexus, either on the plexus area (the 9th dorsal) or the umbilical plexus. Enter in the closet of your inner self and pour out your self so that you may be filled with the Spirit of God. Shut out all thoughts pertaining to activities or attributes of carnal forces. Breathe in through the right nostril three times, and exhale through the mouth. Repeat with left nostril, exhale through the right. Then, with low music or incantations, let yourself go deeper, to the seeing, feeling, experiencing the creative forces of love and enter into the holy of holies. Listening to music helps rest the senses. Then listen to the music of your inner spiritual centers responding. Certain types of breathing are suggested, that there may be an even balance in the respiratory system, that the circulation becomes normal in its flow through the body. Direct the breath to certain parts of the body. In your temple, let the voice, the feeling, the spirit of your purpose be free in its direction to yourself. Attune yourself almost in the same manner as you would tune a violin for harmony. Begin by humming: Ohm-O-H-M-Mmmmm (om as in home). Feel the essence of incense through the body forces. This helps open the inner spiritual forces of the body. As these inner spiritual forces go through the various centers, direct them by beginning with the incantation of the Ar-Ar-r-r-r and the E-E-E, the O-O-O, the M-M-M. The vocal vibrations of R, O and M are those vocal combinations which vibrate to the center forces of the body itself. Raise these spiritual forces in yourself and you will enter the presence of your Maker. These are necessary influences to help you attune and become one with the Creative Force - just as in the pitch of a song of praise. Meditate on that which the Lord your God, your Christ, would have you do. Meditate on your inner spiritual force. Seek God’s face and God’s ways. When you are fully attuned, let your intonations, breathing, and posture be rather an outgrowth of your attunement. Copyright © 2003 www.near-death.com |