Angel of Love by Dawn Pitre


These are the angels that come first and are closest
to the throne of God.  They exist in the uppermost
part of the hierarchy and their very name means
ardor. They are said to encircle the throne, existing
off the love emanated by God, and unceasingly chant
the Trisagion, "Holy, holy, holy...". This burning love
keeps them ever close to God's Throne.

As they transmit their love and light to the lesser
choirs of angels, it is said that this light is so intense,
that not even other divine beings may look upon them.

The only direct Biblical reference to the Seraphim is
Isaiah 6:2-7, but the four holy beasts mentioned in the
book of Revelation are also angels from this 1st Choir,
or Triad, of Angels.

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