Painting by Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones,     The Angel, 1881    (Click here to view more of his paintings)


Archangels are normally described as important or
special angels. However, here the term is used as the
second to last rank in the Celestial Hierarchy.

Archangels are entrusted with the more important
missions to men. They act as the leaders in the divine
army during battle and protect the Church under the
leadership of St. Michael. They serve as guardians of
great personages, here on Earth, and also oversee the
duties of the Angels (the lowest order of the Celestial

The confusion about the collective celestial rank of
Archangels and Angels arises from the ancient
Hebraic way of defining angels which was simply
"Angels and Archangels". It was not until later that the
hierarchy was defined, and many of the angels
previously named as archangels were given new

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